
Looking Ahead to Academic Year 24-25

As we approach the end of the academic year, the CCTL wishes the UChicago teaching community a restful and productive summer. CCTL team members are available throughout the summer for consultations and discussions as you think about your teaching for the next academic year. Be sure to stay tuned for more info about AY 24-25 programming and opportunities.

September Opportunities

Teaching in the Generative AI Landscape

Wednesday, Sept. 4 & Thursday, Sept. 5

A one and a half-day institute for faculty and instructors to discuss the teaching and learning implications of AI tools.

Forum on Teaching in the Core

Thursday, Sept. 19 (tentative)

A half-day event for faculty and instructors to discuss the aims and distinctive pedagogical issues that characterize Core teaching.

September Symposium on Teaching at UChicago

Wednesday, Sept. 25 (tentative)

A day for new and returning faculty and instructors to learn about and discuss teaching at UChicago. 


Friday, Sept. 27 (tentative)

A half-day event to orientate graduate students to teaching at UChicago.

Grants & Funded Opportunities

Pedagogy Fellows Program

Accepting Applications in Summer 2024

The Pedagogy Fellows Program (PFP) aims to support UChicago academics in developing, extending, and revising fundamental teaching competencies while engaging in a syllabus-revision project. Cohort of Fellows will engage in a series of practice-oriented workshops organized around peer-to-peer discussions, accompanied by classroom observation and formative feedback provided by both other Fellows and CCTL pedagogy specialists. The PFP is open to all full-time academics at the University, including tenure-track faculty, Senior Instructional Professors, Instructional Professors, lecturers, and Harper-Schmidt Fellows. Learn more…

Exploratory Teaching Groups

Accepting Proposals in Summer 2024

Exploratory Teaching Groups (ETGs) provide faculty and instructors a collaborative framework to explore and discuss ideas, issues, and challenges in their teaching. Participants may use ETGs to investigate new teaching approaches, engage in collaborative course (re)design, or advance other projects related to teaching and learning. ETG proposals are welcome on any topic, the format is flexible, and funding is available for groups to purchase resources for facilitating group activities. Possible formats include a pedagogical reading group, a series of structured discussions or workshops around a theme, a “working group” that tackles a particular topic or project, and so on. Learn more…