The CCTL provides confidential one-on-one teaching consultations to all faculty, lecturers, and instructional professors. Consultations are offered on a wide-range of topics, including course and syllabus design, assessing student learning, interpreting student evaluations, inclusive teaching strategies, grant proposals, and teaching portfolios. In addition, for those wishing to get feedback on their teaching the CCTL offers classroom observations and Midcourse Student Feedback.
The CCTL staff are available to meet one-on-one with individuals and units to discuss topics such as course and syllabus design, inclusive teaching, teaching strategies and challenges, interpreting student feedback, grant proposals, or any other pedagogical topics. You can book a consultation with individual staff members or book a consultation for the first available time that fits your schedule. Consultations are available in-person or can be scheduled for a virtual meeting. All consultations are confidential. For questions, please contact the CCTL at
Teaching observations are a confidential, individualized way to get feedback on your teaching. The CCTL staff consultants are experienced instructors who have been trained in evidence-informed methods, and the process is designed to give faculty and instructors formative feedback in a confidential and low-pressure setting. We are happy to arrange a classroom visit when it is most convenient for you. If you are interested, please complete the from below. For questions, please contact the CCTL at
The CCTL staff are available to collect anonymous student feedback through a Midcourse Student Feedback (MSF) session. In the MSF process, a member of the CCTL staff will conduct a 20-minute focus group with your students midway through the quarter to learn how they are experiencing your course. After conducting the session, we will have a follow-up meeting with you to discuss the results and feedback. This service is confidential and is meant to provide constructive, in-depth feedback on your teaching.
To request an MSF, please complete the Midcourse Student Feedback Form below. To get the most out of the process we suggest conducting the session in your course between the third and the seventh week of the quarter. For questions, please contact the CCTL at
A research review provides the opportunity to learn more about the research and literature on a specific pedagogical topic. After submitting your request, you will have a short meeting (15-30 minutes) with a CCTL staff member to discuss your goals for the research review and any additional details about the educational context you can provide. Next, the CCTL staff member will conduct a thorough review of relevant literature and provide you with an annotated bibliography of five to seven peer-reviewed sources about your requested pedagogical topic. The typical turnaround time per request is four (4) weeks after the initial meeting. Please use the form below to indicate interest. For questions, please contact Amanda M. Jungels at