
Inclusive Pedagogy

This website is designed to be a resource for academics who are committed to inclusive teaching. The practices offered on this website are applicable to both undergraduate and graduate/professional classroom settings. We invite you to explore the following webpages to learn more about diversity and pedagogy at the University of Chicago and concrete steps you can take in your own courses to support more inclusive learning environments.

Cathey learning center


Diversity, Learning, and Inclusive Pedagogy

Inclusive pedagogy describes a variety of educational approaches that engage all students in meaningful educational experiences through the recognition of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives as an asset. To teach inclusively means intentionally designing learning environments and experiences where every student feels respected and capable of contributing. 

As you explore the CCTL's Inclusive Pedagogy resources, we invite you to begin with the Diversity, Learning, and Inclusive Pedagogy page. This page describes diversity and inclusivity in a classroom context and how these frameworks can benefit student learning. 

You can also explore a variety of strategies - ranging from small changes for all course types to strategies more specific to course structures - that can help to making your learning environment more inclusive (see below).

Strategies for the Classroom