
For Undergraduate Students

The Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning is here to support your learning throughout your time at the University. Through workshops, panels, online resources, and collaborations with other offices, we hope to share with you usable, evidence-informed practices for effective learning at the University of Chicago. We invite you to explore our upcoming events for undergrads and learning resources below.

We Want Your Input!

Share your ideas for undergrad learning programs and resources!

Learning Resources

    While many universities follow a semester system, the University of Chicago embraces a different learning structure: the 9-week quarter. Under this system, students typically take three to four courses per quarter, resulting in more classes over the course of your undergraduate career compared to the semester system. This structure enables you to explore a wide variety of learning topics. Because your classes are condensed into a shorter teaching period, though, the content that your instructors choose to cover will be more targeted and demand more intensive engagement throughout the quarter. We invite you to explore the following resource, informed by insights from UChicago undergraduate students and CCTL staff, about tips for making the most of your learning during the 9-week quarter.

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    Class discussions are a fundamental component of the UChicago learning experience, whether it arises in your Core courses, major requirements, or elective classes. Class discussions provide a valuable opportunity to explore and deepen your understanding of course materials with your instructor and peers. However, it is normal to find these spaces intimidating or difficult to navigate, especially if you are not accustomed to this type of learning environment. To help you make the most of these learning spaces, we have gathered some tips from UChicago instructors on how to navigate class discussions effectively.

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Upcoming Events

What I Want My Students to Know About Reading

Wednesday, April 4 | 2:30PM - 3:20PM

An interdisciplinary panel with UChicago instructors on how to approaching reading for different courses.

How to Study for Exams

Tuesday, April 22 | 5:00PM - 6:00PM

A presentation on research-backed studying practices to help you effectively prepare for exams, tests, and quizzes.

Fall at the university of Chicago

Save the Date: AI & Learning Discussion with John Warner

Friday, May 9 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Discussion with author of More Than Words: How to Think About Writing in the Age of AI. Details & registration coming soon.