
Programming and Resources on Generative AI

For Faculty & Instructors

The CCTL is available to discuss and provide guidance on the teaching and learning implications of generative AI for anyone in an instructional role at the University - faculty, instructional professors, graduate students instructors, and so on.

    The CCTL offers confidential consultations for UChicago faculty, instructors, and graduate student instructors to support their teaching, including on topics related to AI in the classroom such as syllabus policies, creating AI-resistant assignments, or integrating generative AI into your class activities and assessments. Consultations and support are also available for departments, divisions, and other units engaged in teaching and learning at the University. 

    Book a Pedagogy Consultation

    The CCTL provides a suite of workshops that departments, units, and other groups of faculty and instructors may request, including on the pedagogy of AI. Available workshops in this area include Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities in the Wake of AI, and Crafting and Communicating Course AI Policies. All workshops provide the opportunity for participants to learn and discuss with colleagues how to address this evolving challenge.

    Schedule a Workshop by Request

    Pedagogical Challenges and Opportunities in the Wake of AI

    What are the pedagogical implications of the ready availability of generative AI tools? In this session, we will take up the considerations that shape how we might approach this in our teaching, opening up a discussion of a range of possible responses. The session will focus on the questions, concerns, and current strategies of those in attendance. 

    Crafting and Communicating Course AI Policies

    What kind of policy on AI usage will help to support student learning in a particular course? How can we communicate those expectations clearly and transparently to students? This session will take up these and related issues, and will invite those in attendance to share and discuss their current or proposed course AI policy. 

    This annual program focuses on the pedagogical implications of generative AI, which continue to evolve as these tools and technologies develop and as instructors and students learn more about them. At this two-day institute, faculty and instructors are invited to join the CCTL, Academic Technology Solutions, and the Library for a series of conversations and presentations as we take stock of the current pedagogical landscape as shaped by AI.  

    Learn More about Teaching in the Generative AI Landscape

    Teaching in the Generative AI Landscape Canvas Course

    This open-enrollment Canvas site is the product of an ongoing collaboration across Academic Technology Solutions  (ATS), the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning  (CCTL), and the  Library  to provide, in one place, a set of ideas and resources to support faculty and instructors in thinking through the teaching and learning implications of generative artificial intelligence. These offices host the annual program on Teaching in the Generative AI Landscape, and the aim of the Canvas site is to provide a concise, asynchronous overview of the key information and ideas presented at that event. 

    Explore the Canvas Course

    Syllabus Statements on Generative AI

    This resource offers considerations that might shape how instructors craft a syllabus statement about AI tools, followed by example statements covering a range of approaches. The staff in the CCTL are always available for one-on-one consultations to discuss and provide feedback on the policy for your course.

    Explore Syllabus Statements on Generative AI

    Syllabus Statements on Generative AI from UChicago Faculty

    Additionally, the CCTL hosts a platform for those in the UChicago teaching community to share their AI syllabus statements. The purpose of this resource is to make it easier for faculty and instructors to share their statements and to see the range of statements and policies used in other UChicago courses.

    Explore Syllabus Statements on Generative AI from UChicago Faculty

    Teaching Spotlights

    Teaching Spotlights are Q&A-style profiles of UChicago faculty and instructors discussing thoughtful and innovative teaching methods. These include several that illustrate a range of approaches for how to approach AI in their classrooms.

    Explore CCTL Teaching Spotlights

For Undergraduate Students

The CCTL is providing support for undergraduate students to think through the learning implications of AI tools.

    Conversations on the Science of Learning for Undergrads is a series of presentations that provide an overview of the research topics related to learning and offer concrete strategies for putting this research into practice in their own work as students at the University of Chicago.  

    How to Think about Generative AI & LLMs for Learning

    Tuesday, October 29 | 3:30PM - 4:30PM | Location TBD

    This program focuses on helping students develop a better understanding of how practitioners and researchers in the field of higher education teaching and learning are thinking about generative AI tools and develop strategies for thinking about using AI in their own learning.  

    Register for How to Think about Generative AI & LLMs for Learning