News and Announcements

Winter Quarter Pedagogy Support for Grad Students

Graduate Teaching Consultations - Winter 2024

Request a GTC Here | Requests due by Friday, January 17

Graduate Teaching Consultations (GTCs) are a confidential, individualized way to get feedback on your teaching from CCTL Teaching Consultants, graduate students who have been trained as peer mentors in evidence-informed methods. The GTC consists of a pre-observation meeting, a classroom observation, a post-observation consultation, and a written report.

Midcourse Student Feedback - Winter 2024

Request an MSF Here | Requests due by Friday, January 17

Midcourse Student Feedback (MSF) sessions are an opportunity to get student perspectives on and make any desired adjustments to your course in progress. In an MSF session, a trained Graduate Teaching Consultant will conduct a 20-minute focus group with your students to learn how they are experiencing your course. Afterward, the Consultant will have a follow-up meeting with you to discuss the results and how you can follow up on student feedback.